Senin, 21 September 2009

Blackberry Facebook App Freeware

Blackberry Facebook 1.6

Blackberry Facebook App 1.6

Facebook 1.6 is finally out! I've been waiting for this app for long time and I'm happy to say it was worth it. I'm so relieved they got over 1.5 and did something cool with their app like being able to write on the wall and getting it more integrated with the Blackberry environment. The strength of the Blackberry has always been their push technology, making a software that takes advantage of this is the right way to go.
Facebook 1.6 really feels solid and very stable on my Blackberry Bold and Curve. The notifications you get directly in your home screen is just great. New features like being able to see comments people made with your friends status updates is really handy and enables you to participate in the discussion faster that opening up facebook in your PC. Facebook 1.6 is a great addition to your phone, its around 800k but its worth the download.

Download Facebook 1.6 OTA:

Blackberry Blogging Clients Freeware

Wordpress Blogging App

Blackberry Wordpress client freeware

When I saw early developments on a Wordpress client for the Blackberry, I was instantly very excited. Although I'm a loyal Blogger user, I do have some sites that run on wordpress and even some forums running on bbpress.

The idea of updating my site on my Blackberry always seems to make sense to me.The blackberry is just the perfect phone for typing something. Who else spends more time on perfecting their keypad designs but RIM.

Going back to the Wordpress client, the moment you install it on your phone, you will have to setup your hosting details, either your hosted on a wordpress domain or your you have Wordpress installed on your domain. Setup is very easy and straight forward, enter your URL, username and password.

After this you can now compose new post and even upload pictures. The client also has some handy comment moderation, so now you can through them where ever you may be.

Overall the wordpress client works great I do notice it to be a bit slower on the Pearl and the Curve compared to Bold. It works great on the Storm and I love the landscape mode.

download Wordpress for the Blackberry OTA:

Use Your Blackberry's Email to Update Twitter

Posterous for Blackberry

There's a lot of ways to update twitter using your blackberry; install a twitter client, open twitter mobile in your browser, update via email. The 3rd one is an option people often forget or even think is possible.

Your Blackberry is made for email, why not make updates or even uploads via email. I'm a big fan of this concept and I continuously look for companies that offer these services.

One company that stood out is called Posterous. Their services enables you to update your twitter account by simply sending them an email to update twitter. You can just write your post on the subject line of your email and that's it. Posterous even shortens the links in your post. Using posterous you never have to install any clients or have to browse their mobile version that takes time to load. Currently Posterous support uploads to Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr or post updates to blogs using blogger and wordpress.


Blackberry Call Timer Freeware

Blackberry Minute Counter

Minutesaver is a simple utility that vibrates to tell you how long you have been talking on the phone. The timer is set to seconds so you can end your call before it hits a minute or what ever you set it to, saving you some call charges from your cell phone provider. This is great utility, and can save you some money when your making calls, especially when your traveling and using International roaming.

download OTA: Minutesaver Blackberry
developer: Minutesaver

Blackberry Financial App Freeware

Yahoo Finance App

Blackberry Yahoo finance mobile

Blackberry Yahoo Finance App

Yahoo Finance is one of the top 5 financial portals in the Internet. Its not surprising a roll out of smartphone apps for the Yahoo fanance was just a matter of time. I'm just glad the Blackberry was one number one in their list.

Yahoo Finance for the Blackberry currently has these features;

- Currency Search
- Financial new aggregator
- Stock quotes and graphs
- View your Yahoo Finance Portfolio
- Real time data and after market analysis
- Statistics

Overall the software is a solid financial app for the blackberry I can't for them to open a UK version.

download: Yahoo Finance Blackberry

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