Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

survey online detikcom berhadiah 1 buah iPad, 2 buah HP Samsung Galaxy 5

survei DETIK.COM berhadiah 1 buah iPad, 2 buah HP Samsung Galaxy 5 http://de.tk/KwPAE

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010


Tahukah kamu bahwa ada kode-kode rahasia yang dapat menampilkan informasi atau mengaktifkan fitur tersembunyi pada handheld blackberry kamu?

Sebenarnya ada cukup banyak kode-kode tersembunyi yang dapat mengoptimalkan pencarian informasi maupun fungsi pada blackberry, seperti untuk menampilkan event log, mengubah sinyal bar menjadi decibels, dan masih banyak lagi.

Berikut adalah beberapa kode rahasia pada Blackberry kamu:

• Name: Decibel meter.
• Description/ purpose: Displays your signal strength in decibels, instead of bars.• Process: Hold "Alt" and press "N", "M", "L", "L" (repeat to reverse the effect).

• Name: Address Book file verification.
• Description/ purpose: Checks the data in your Address Book for inconsistencies.
• Process: In the Address Book, hold "Alt" and press "V", "A", "L", "D".

• Name: Address Book data structure rebuild.
• Description/ purpose: Forces a data structure re-build in the Address Book...
• Process: In the Address Book, hold "Alt" and press "R", "B", "L", "D".

• Name: View source code.
• Description/ purpose: Displays the source code of a Web page.
• Process: In the Browser, hold "Alt" and press "R", "B", "V", "S".

• Name: Help Me! menu.
• Description/ purpose: Provides crucial technical information about your device, for when seeking technical support or help in forums...
• Process: Hold "Alt" and (left) "shift", then press "H".

• Name: IMEI display.
• Description/ purpose: Displays your device's international mobile equipment identity (IMEI - your serial number) on-screen... Also works from all other GSM handsets.
• Process: Type "*", "#", "0", "6", "#" on the Home screen.

• Name: "Soft" reset.
• Description/ purpose: Performs a "soft" reset of your device; the equivalent of doing a "battery pull" (ie. Removing the battery for a few seconds).
• Process: Press-and-hold "Alt", then press-and-hold (left) "shift", then press-and-hold "Del".

• Name: Event Log.
• Purpose: Displays event logs of all the system-level events that occur on your device...
• Process: Hold "Alt" and press "L", "G", "L", "G".

• Mengubah lambang sinyal dari bar ke numeric : ALT + N M L L (Sure Type : ALT + N N M L L) pada home screen.

• Melihat Data Usage dan Voice Usage : B U Y R (Sure Type : B U T T E R) pada [option],[Status]

• Melihat Refld dan ServiceUserId : ALT + V I E W (Sure Type ALT + V V I I E W W) pada saat membuka message.

• Melihat Event Log ALT + L G L G pada home screen.

• Menampilkan Help Me : ALT + CAP + H (Sure Type : ALT + R A C E) pada home screen.

• Menampilkan informasi SIM Card : M E P D (Sure Type : M E P P D) pada [options],[advanced options],[SIM Card].

You can also obtain various types of information by entering smart code on your device. From your BlackBerry device go into messages and compose a new email, then enter one of the following smart codes in the text feild and press space.

Smart Codes:

Code: myver
Information Returned: Displays your devices model number and software version.

Code: LD
Information Returned: Displays the local date

Code: LT
Information Returned: Displays the local time

Code: mysig
Information Returned: Displays the information you entered in the
BlackBerry Options > Owner screen

Code: mypin
Information Returned: Displays your devices PIN

Silakan ditambahkan kalo ada yang berhasil mengungkap kode rahasia lain :)

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