Minggu, 18 Juli 2010
How to Unlock Blackberry
Pearl ( For all carriers except AT&T Cingular )
Pearl instructions – Can be done without a sim card inserted
To Unlock:
1. While on the home screen, click the “blackberry key” on keyboard, then select “options”.
2. Choose “Advanced Options”.
3. Select “Sim Card”
4. Type m e p p 2 to display the dialog box asking for the unlock code (Press the Alt + 2 key to get the number 2) ( you will not see text appear on screen while typing )
5. Input the SIM Unlock code
6. Press in the trackball in once
Cingular Pearl
Pearl instructions – Can be done without a sim card inserted
To Unlock:
1. While on the home screen, click the settings icon
2. click the options icon
3. select advanced options
4. Select Sim Card
5. Type m e p p 2 to display the dialog box asking for the unlock code (Press the Alt + 2 key to get the number 2) ( you will not see text appear on screen while typing )
6. Input the SIM Unlock code
7. Press in the trackball in once
7100 / 7130
To Unlock:
1. On the Home screen, click the Tools icon. The Options screen appears.
2. In the tools screen, select the Settings icon.
3. Scroll to SIM Card and select it. You should see the phone number and the SIM ID number.
4. Type ‘mepp2′ to display the dialog box asking for the unlock code (Press the Alt + 2 key to get the number 2) ( you will not see text appear on screen while typing )
5. Input the SIM Unlock code
6. Press in the jog dial once
8700 / 8707
*You must have a SIM card in your phone to complete these steps ( Can be active or inactive )
1. go to settings
2 go to options
3. go to advanced options
4. go to sim card
5. Hold the ALT Key while typing in MEPE ( not case sensitive ) ( you will not see text appear on screen while typing )
6. It will say “Enter Network MEP Code, then you type in the unlock code, press in the jog dial to confirm
7. Your phone is now unlocked
Curve, 8300, 8800
Can be done without a sim card inserted
1. go to settings
2 go to options
3. go to advanced options
4. go to sim card
5. Hold the ALT Key while typing in MEPE ( not case sensitive ) ( you will not see text appear on screen while typing )
6. It will say “Enter Network MEP Code, then you type in the unlock code, press in the trackball to confirm
7. Your phone is now unlocked
5***, 6***, 7*** ( Except for 7100 )
1. go to options
2 scroll to SIM CARD then press jog dial in once to select it
3. Type MEPD (not case sensitive) ( you will not see text appear on screen while typing )
4. Does it say Network active? if so your phone is locked
5. Press and hold the alt key (half moon looking key on the lower left side)
6. as you are holding the alt key type in MEPE (not case sensitive) ( you will not see text appear on screen while typing )
7. type in the unlock code when prompted
8. After entering the code press the jog dial in
9. Your phone is now unlocked
How to Solving Error 507 in Blackberry
So you just loaded up your BlackBerry and all of sudden you see a blank white screen with some weird logo along with a 507 number, how did this happen? First things first do not panic this error can be fixed. Most likely it means that your BlackBerry can not find an actual OS installed. This could’ve happened during a recent OS upgrade or if you just recently wiped your device. Now that you know how this error happened the next step is to get it fixed.
Before you begin you’ll want to download the latest official OS from your carrier’s website and the latest version of BlackBerry Desktop Software.
1. Open up Program Files/Common Files/Research In Motion/AppLoader and delete the VENDOR.XML file
2. Find AppLoader.exe which is located under Program Files/Common Files/Research In Motion/AppLoader
3. Now connect your device to your computer and run AppLoader.exe to reinstall the OS
If your computer cannot connect to your BlackBerry then try the steps below.
1. Take the battery out of your device
2. Now connect your BlackBerry to your computer via USB
3. Open up BlackBerry Desktop Software and go to Options then select Connection Options
4. In the connection options menu select USB Pin under connection type
5. Now open up Application Loader and select the OS software you want to install
6. It will ask you if you want to automatically back up and restore-DO NOT CLICK THIS OPTION
7. During the installation process you’ll want to make sure you reinsert your battery before it is finished
If this doesn’t work and you’re still having issues fixing the BlackBerry 507 error then check out this helpful document to see some more causes and fixes.
- Buka menu : Options + Advanced Options + Sim Card + ketik “MEPD”
- Nanti akan muncul baris2 baru
- BB yang statusnya unlocked, akan berstatus “Disabled” semuanya
2. Cek blackberry kena IT policy atau tidak (new or second)
- Buka menu : Options + Status + ketik “BUYR”
- Perhatikan baris “Data Usage” dan “Voice Usage”
- Kalau kena IT Policy, tulisannya akan ada “IT Policy”
- Kalau tidak kena IT Policy, tulisannya akan menunjukkan jumlah pemakaian si BB
- Kalau blackberry yang baru harusnya sih 0 semua, tp ternyata angka ini bisa direset
3. Untuk mengetahui informasi blackberry meliputi : pin, imei, vendorID, freeMem, versi OS etc
Masuk kemenu utama, tekan tombol “ALT” + “NUM / Aa / Cap” + “H” secara bersamaan
Atau bisa dari menu utama + Options + Status
4. Blackberry hang dan ingin melakukan restart
Pencet tombol “ALT” + “NUM / Aa / Cap yang posisi tombolnya sebelah Kanan” + “DEL” secara bersamaan
5. Memory blackberry mulai menipis
- Bisa restart BB pake cara diatas
- Tapi kalau mau lebih fresh lagi, cabut baterai blackberry selama 1 menitan, kemudian pasang dan aktifkan lagi
6. Setting type ringtone/alert untuk masing-masing email / sms / YM / facebook dll
- Pilih menu Profiles dari menu utama, scroll ke bawah, paling bawah sampai ketemu “Advanced…” diklik, pilih Profile yang
akan diedit
- Contoh : Messages [Yahoo]
- Perhatikan bagian atas “Out of Holster” mau dibikin apa ? None / Vibrate / Tone / Vibrate + Tone
Maksudnya, kalau blackberry sedang tidak disimpan di Holster/Pouch, nantinya mau dibuat alert buat si Yahoo.
- Kemudian pilih jenis ringtonenya
- Nah jangan lupa diatur bagian volume, jangan sampai sesudah memilih tone, tapi volumenya masih mute,
- Lalu bisa atur bagian “In Holster”, maksudnya selama di Pouch/Holster, alertnya maunya yang bagaimana
Biasanya sih kalau “Out Of Holster” hanya bunyi tanpa getar dan volume low / medium, nah bagian “In Holsternya” dibuat getar + Volume High
Ingat Pengaturan ini per setiap Email Account ya!
7. Memisahkan sms dengan email
- Buka menu messages
- Tekan tombol blackberry/option, pilih options + general options
- Perhatikan bagian “SMS and Email Inboxes”, pilih Separate
8. Menampilkan inbox lebih menarik
- Buka menu “Messages”
- Tekan tombol blackberry/option, pilih options - general options
- Display order “Name, Subject”
- Display message header on “2 lines”
- Separators “Stripes”
- Keep Messages “15 days” (agar lebih irit memory)
9. Shortcut bernavigasi di email
- “N” untuk next email (berurutan)
- “P” untuk previous email (berurutan)
- “U” untuk next unread email (akan mencari kalau sudah pad ujung akhir dan msh ada sisa)
10. Shortcut bernavigasi di content Email or Browser
- “T” untuk ke paling atas (top)
- “B” untuk ke paling bawah (bottom)
- [space] untuk scroll ke bawah (page down)
- [shift/num/Aa posisi sebelah kiri] + [space] untuk scroll ke atas (page up)
- Menampilkan menu pilihan di browser, tekan tombol [alt]
- Memilih menu terkadang [space], [enter] atau tekan scroll wheel / ball nya
11. Apabila ada notifikasi email / message yang belum dibaca, padahal dicari-cari sudah tidak ada atau dihapus
Coba buka pada folder Saved Messages. Kalau misalnya masih tidak ditemukan juga, coba restart (tips no 4)
12. Umur baterai blackberry tergantung kepada :
- Kekuatan sinyal operator, makin bagus dan stabil akan semakin irit
- Traffic data yg lewat, makin banyak makin cepat low-bat
- Setting alert di handphone, semakin minim, semakin irit, antara lain:
* Vibrate, membuat semakin boros baterai
* Volume, semakin kecil volumenya semakin irit
* Led indikator, tidak terlalu “ngefek” tapi kalau dioff-kan bisa lebih irit
- Setting brightness tampilan, semakin terang semakin boros
- Aktivitas kita dalam mengoperasikan si handphone, semakin sering kita ngetik dan mengoperasikannya, baterai akan makin cepat low-bat. Akan lebih awet umurnya, jika handpone kita biarkan standby saja selama berjam-jam..
Dari semua faktor tadi, yang paling berpengaruh adalah yang terakhir . Apabila blackberry dibiarkan saja, hanya sesekali dipakai, akan irit baterai
Faktor berikutnya adalah setting alert di blackberry, saran:
- Kalau siang hari, gunakan alert tone saja dengan volume medium tanpa vibrate
- Kalau di dalam holster, gunakan alert vibrate saja tanpa volume
- Kalau malam hari / tidur, gunakan profile silent (tanpa tone dan tanpa vibrate).
13. Memanfaatkan autoText
AutoText terkadang membantu, kadang juga tidak. Disarankan hapus beberapa atau semua autotext yang ada di blackberry dan buat autotext sendiri …
14. Beberapa icon email tidak muncul
Kemungkinan hal ini disebabkan BlackBerry baru saja di wipe handheld atau install ulang atau diupgrade.
Cara mengembalikannya silahkan login ke web http://operator.blackberry.com kemudian pilih “Service Books”, lalu klik tombol “Send Service Books”
Tunggu beberapa saat, nanti icon emailnya akan kembali
15. Problem koneksi
Perhatikan tulisan GPRS / EDGE / GSM pada layar Blackberry yang biasa nya sebelahan dengan indikator sinyal, huruf besar kecil ada artinya :
- GSM: artinya blackberry baru bisa digunakan sebagai handphone biasa saja, call dan sms.
- gprs / edge (huruf kecil): artinya blackberry sudah mendapatkan sinyal untuk data (gprs/edge) tetapi belum dapat digunakan sebagai koneksi data blackBerry.
- GPRS / EDGE (huruf besar): artinya blackberry sudah dapat digunakan sebagai mana mustinya …
16. Mengatur agar bisa langsung call tanpa tekan +62 dulu (bisa 021 xxx atau 08 xxxx)
Pencet tombol hijau untuk dial, lalu tekan tombol option BB, pilih options, pilih smart dialing , lalu ke country code dan pilih “+62″
17. Tidak bisa browsing menggunakan layanan mobile (red. blackberry internet service)
Buka menu utama + option + advanced option + browser + default browser configuration pilih “internet browser”
18. Tidak bisa browsing menggunakan layanan wi-fi
Buka menu utama + option + advanced option + browser + default browser configuration pilih “hotspot browser / wi-fi browser”
Tips dan Trik Mengecek Blackberry Baru dan Fungsinya
Tertarik untuk menggunakan BlackBerry?Mmm, handset besutan RIM ini telah berhasil mencuri perhatian di Indonesia dan bahkan mungkin sekarang telah menjadi trend fashion komunikasi untuk saat ini. Bagi Anda yang tertarik dan akan membeli Blackberry baru, tidak ada salahnya untuk membacar tips dan trik berikut :
Pertama, tekan tombol yg bergambar lambang Blackberry lalu pilih option lalu pilih status lalu ketik B U Y R, perhatikan DATA dan VOICE usage, kedua hal tersebut harus pada nominal NOL.
Kedua, teruskan dengan mengetik T E S T, lalu tekan trackball dan pilih start, centang seluruh bagian yg anda ingin test lalu pilih RUN, ikuti seluruh tahap sehingga anda bisa memastikan seluruh fungsi di blackberry tersebut berjalan dengan baik.
Fungsi – fungsi yg dapat di cek :
1. Keyboard dan trackball
2. Misc
3. Handset Audio
4. Headset Audio
5. Bluetooth Audio
6. RF Compartment
7. GPS
Untuk huruf gprs masih kecil belum GPRS :
Step by step :
1. Masuk ke Options>Advanced Options>Host Routing Table> pilih yg atas trus tekan logo BB pilih register now
2. Masuk ke Options>Mobile Network>Network Selection Mode> ganti ke manual
3. Pilih operator lain, tekan logo BB>save
4. Cabut batre
5. Ulangi step 1, ganti ke automatic
Untuk Shortcut :
Cara mengaktifkan :
Tekan tombol telefon yg berwarna hijau, tekan logo BB, pilih options>General Options> ganti pilihan Dial From Home Screen menjadi no, tekan logo BB>save
Shortcuts disusun sesuai keyboard layout secara horizontal :
Baris pertama :
Q : Tekan 1 detik -> profile menjadi vibrate, tekan 1 detik -> kembali normal
T : Task
Y : Yahoo Messenger
U : Calculator
O : Options
Baris kedua :
A : Contact
S : Search
D : Memopad
F : Pilih Profile
H : Help
K : Keypad lock
L : Calendar
Baris ketiga :
C : Membuat SMS
V : Saved Messeges
B : Internet Browser
N : Blackberry Messenger
M : Email Messeges gabungan
Kombinasi :
Alt + esc(tanda back disebelahnya end calls) : pindah aplikasi (application switcher)
Untuk Copy Paste :
1. Sorot kalimat/kata yg ingin di copy dengan menekan shift
2. Tekan alt dan trackball berbarengan (copy)
3. Taruh cursor ditempat yg ingin di paste
4. Tekan shift dan trackball berbarengan (paste)
Untuk Recalibrate Battery :
1. Charge sampai full
2. Pakai sampai habis
3. Pinjem batre temen, 3 menit copot
4. Kembalikan batre asli
5. Charge sampe penuh minimal 4 jam
(*kalo ada)
Merubah Signal Bar Menjadi Angka :
Tekan alt + N M L L pada home screen Blackberry Baru anda dan jreeengg..!!!.
Tips dan Trik Dalam Penggunaan BlackBerry (Email dan SMS)
Untuk mempercepat dalam menulis Email baru:
1. Masuk ke dalam Email yang sudah Anda setting sebelumnya
2. Tekan tombol c (yang berarti compose)
Untuk mempercepat dalam menulis SMS baru:
1. Download langsung aplikasi QSMS pada BlackBerry Anda. Ketikkan di browser: http://berrycoder.com/qsms.jad
2. Klik Download
3. Setelah proses download selesai, masuk ke folder Downloads
4. Klik aplikasi QSMS, dan Anda akan langsung dibawa pada halaman create new sms.
5. Untuk mempermudah, pindahkan aplikasi tersebut dengan cara mengklik tombol BB dan pilih Move To Folder. Pilih Home. Dan lihat, kini aplikasi tersebut sudah muncul di halaman Home.
Blackberry Maintenance Tips
ALT + Shift + H
FREE FILE to view it:
In order to use his BB delicious, try this great Free File it above 10MB. The greater the
the better. For a heavy BB user (eg, intensive YM + email + browsing), certainly
Free File will be more quickly exhausted.
Free File is "Memory Work" BB .. So that working memory is always "healthy", familiarize
Soft reset every approaching 10MB.Caranya Free File, for a QWERTY handheld press ALT + SHIFT
(Right) + DEL.Kalau for Sure softreset type have to use (or immediately remove the batre only).
If it is still in use OS version 4.2, try upgrading to 4.5 .. (Check: ALT + signature
shift + H, see the "App Version"). Free file it must be even more after the
upgrades .. consequently, BB was faster and more comfortable.
Here are a few settings let BB more efficient battery, the look better.
1st. Display screen
- Setting like this:
-> Font Family: BB Casual (better viewed from the boxes)
-> Backlight Brightness: 10 (battery must be more efficient)
-> Backlight Timeout: 30 '(if you want to be more frugal batery, connect the 10')
-> Automatic Dim Backlight: ON (if the light again so much, BB will adjustbacklight)
-> LED Coverage indicator: OFF
-> Keytone OFF
-> Key rated: FAST (so that typing could be faster)
-> Convenience key: Application Switcher (so if you want to move around more applications
street, live next to the button press)
-> Audible Roll: OFF
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010
Focus on Blackberry Application
Be sure you selected the right blackberry model then download the latest OS file to desktop. There are unofficial versions (some call it leak version) of blackberry OS floating around the internet, do it at your own risk if you decided to use those unofficial OS.
Install Blackberry OS software into default location (Basically just click next until end during installation) If you’re using software version from a different service provider other than your own, after the installation wizard is done you will need go to delete the Vendor.xml file. It can be found following this path:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader

After the deletion of the Vendor.xml file (if needed), plug in your device to the computer via USB cable and then double click on the Loader.exe file in the same folder
Click next for the first screen, the Wizard should automatically detect the port and should display USB and your PIN number. Like screenshot below

Next the Application Loader Wizard will read your devices system configuration. System will allow you to choose any applications that you would like to install into Blackberry handheld. Here you need to make sure applications such as BlackBerry Attachment Service, BlackBerry Messenger, and 3rd Party Application boxes are ticked, and any other applications you want installed to the device and select ‘Next’.

Completing the Application Loader Wizard screen will come up next and and show you exactly what Applications are being installed. Make sure everything you want installed is selected and select ‘Finish’.
It is depending on Blackberry device and can take up between 20-45 minutes for OS installation. PLEASE DO NOT UNPLUG CABLE FROM THE DEVICE. THIS WILL CAUSE YOUR DEVICE BRICKED AND MAKE YOUR DEVICE IN DEEP TROUBLE. Be patient and wait until the Application Loader Wizard is states Loading Operation is Complete.
At this point, you can unplug your device and your device is restarting. Usually it will take long time for the first restart (approximately 12min). Enjoy the new Operating System.
Just About BlackBerry
- Browser is run faster.
- Whole OS is run faster and more responsive.
- Chat room type SMS interface. Although some people don't like it, but it really give better organization.
- Pictures viewer is responding fast, now you can 'flip' through when switching picture.
- Added built-in File Manager.
- Email setup interface is changed. Now is more user friendly.
- You can better manage your apps from the options menu.
- Allow “Vibrate while ring” by default. You don’t need any 3rd party app.
- Full screen view when taking camera
- New boot up screen with “BlackBerry” logo and a status bar showing start up progress. Overall boot up time is shorter.
Free online backup software Blackberry application

One new thing i would like to emphasis is Opera Mini 5 support Tab browsing that lets you load Web pages in separate tabs of a single browser window, so you can jump between them quickly and easily.....
To download Opera Mini 5, please visit http://m.opera.com with your BlackBerry smartphone
A collection of Free BlackBerry Downloads

The key advantage for WhatsApp Messenger is support Apple iPhone and BlackBerry. Therefore iPhone and BlackBerry users can message each other in realtime.....Yeah great!
To download Whatsapp, please visit http://www.whatsapp.com/OTA with your BlackBerry phone.
BlackBerry Redirector
There something I need to clarify first before we move further. The key difference between BES and BlackBerry Redirector is BES listens at the mail server level, where BlackBerry Redirector listens at the individual PC level. Therefore, your company PC must be stay on in order to send / receive email.
Let’s start to setup BlackBerry Redirector in your company PC
1) If you haven’t install Desktop Manager (DM) yet, please install it now. During installation, you will reach below screen. If you already installed DM, you may need to go to control panel, add/remove program, double click BlackBerry DM, select modify. Then you will reach below screen too.
2) Please select “Integrate with a work email account”, then click next. You will reach below screen. Keep in mind that BlackBerry Redirector is only support limited mail server as below screen. If don’t know which mail server, kindly check with IT in your company.
3) Select the right mail server accordingly. Here I will select “Microsoft Exchange” then click next.
4) Please select “Redirect massages using the BlackBerry Desktop Redirector” then click next until you finish installation.
5) Congratulation. You have completed the setup.
How to configure BlackBerry Redirector
1) Connection your BlackBerry Smartphone to PC with USB cable.
2) Run BlackBerry DM. Usually you will see a windows asking you to choose the MS Outlook profile. Please choose the right Outlook profile then click OK button.
3) There will be an “Email Settings” windows pop up. Just click YES button and follow the step until you completed to generate new encryption key. Please refer to below screen.
4) Once you have finish generate a new encryption key, you will return back to BlackBerry DM main screen. The setup is completed, now you can close the DM and unplug your phone from computer.
5) You will found a new email icon in your BlackBerry Smartphone.
6) In order to send / receive email from your BlackBerry Smartphone, please make sure following applications areALWAYS STAY ON in your computer.
a. BlackBerry Desktop Redirector (press start button -> all programs -> blackberry)
b. Ms Outlook
BlackBerry App World

The problem is BlackBerry App World is support selected country only. Like Malaysia is the country DOESN'T support this app. However, there is a alternative way for user to download this app and run it in every country / region.
Dowbload to PC, install via BlackBerry Desktop Manager
How To Install BlackBerry App World
1) Unzip the downloaded file. It consist of 2 files in the same folder.
2) Connect Blackberry device to computer by using cable
3) Make sure your PC has Blackberry Desktop Manager and internet access
4) Launch Blackberry Desktop Manager then click on Application Loader
5) Select Add/Remove Applications
6) Click Browse button and select the *.alx file where you have downloaded
7) Click next button. Done